Saturday, August 18, 2007

Modern Art Museum, Oax. or Maya takes on Duchamp

Museum of Modern Art-or Maya takes on Duchamp July 15, 2006

lazy days help me through....oh i am a little bit sloshed and very relaxed right now. spent the majority of the day curled up in a large chair at a trendy cafe los quellies. i only roused myself for a bit to pop into the modern art museum....not really woth it unless vulvas, pizza cutters (at least i assume that's what they were) and tape worms are your thing. maybe they are you never can tell with some people......the best moment came after looking through most of the museum. we had wondered away from the exhibit space. i followed maya towards the women's restroom assuming she needed to use it. it was not until we were walking around the little arty partition that i could tell from her peering inquisitive posture as she crained her neck into it that she had no idea where she was going! it took her until she was completly inside to realize that it was not an art exhibit! we both collapsed laughing onto a bench. i am sure we confirmed every stario type about insaine american's....the two men standing in the court yard i sure were quite puzzled as to what could possibly be so funny in the bathroom. maya says that even after she saw the first bathroom stall she was looking into the next to see if there was a statue or something in it! i still crack up thinking about it as i write this....imagine if it had happened after instead of before we topped off a picture of sangria! i am sure i never would have made it home. i kept thinking of the french and saunders episode with the two dotty women who go to the tate modern and walk by everything but go nuts in the tea shop! if you have seen it you will understand.....the entire experience should have been part of an exesential film. the empty museum, the bad art, the open clear court yards we only the clouds visable above the walls. us wondering from room to room......come to think of it maya is always a good laugh when traveling. at the tikal museum all i had to do was point to a efigy pot with a jaguar on top and say crouching tiger hidden gibnut (large tropical roden with a "buble bum") to have her in a fit a laughter so bad i had to take her outside the museum. ah, those were good times......

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