Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bring on the Extras

Bring on the extras-the search for tortas in Mexico City

Maya and I always seem to be eating at odd hours...always too busy for lunch we end up hungry unfashionably early for dinner. Yesterday we went looking for this good torata place (Jugo Canada) on Calle de 5 de Mayo. When we got there part of the street was blocked off and police men were standing around with semi automatics, or fully automatic for all I know, machine guns. Maya thought something had happened and we should leave. But everyone seemed so calm and relaxed, milling about on the sidewalrks and jokeing with eachother. So we went to check it out.

Inside the resturant the first thing I saw was a guy sitting down with all thses gashes accross his face. It took me aback for a moment, something had really happened and everyone was so calm! A second later the women sitting next to him turned my way and it clicked. They were wearing makeup! Oh yes were extras she said and the resturant is closed. We found some good tacos and tortas close by but we never did figure out what they were filming. Was Gael Garcia Bernal around, if so could we have stalked him??? Questions that might never be answered. But it is a good story. I can't help but think of the French and Saunders extras skits. Bring on the dead baby! : )

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